Alec Stapp is the co-founder and co-CEO of IFP. Previously, Alec was the director of technology policy at the Progressive Policy Institute, a research fellow at the International Center for Law and Economics, a technology policy fellow at the Niskanen Center, and a...
Christopher Freiman is a Professor of General Business in the John Chambers College of Business and Economics at West Virginia University and the Director of Outreach for the Kendrick Center for an Ethical Economy. Previously, he was an Associate Professor of...
Bryan Caplan is a Professor of Economics at George Mason University and New York Times Bestselling author. He’s written The Myth of the Rational Voter, named “the best political book of the year” by the New York Times, Selfish Reasons to Have More...
Spike Cohen is a successful business owner, Libertarian activist, and media figure. He is the Founder and President of You Are The Power, a nonprofit focused on using solutions-oriented activism to grow the Liberty movement. Spike started a web design company as a...
Antony Davies’ research interests include econometrics, public policy, and consumer behavior. Davies has authored over 150 op-eds for, among others, the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Forbes, Investors Business Daily, and New York Daily News. He is a...