Raised in Brooklyn, New York, Jack graduated from Dartmouth College in the spring of 2024 with degrees in economics and philosophy. On campus, Jack led the Dartmouth Libertarians, wrote for The Dartmouth Review, and was an avid participant in the Philosophy Society. Off campus, Jack served as a Regional and House Coordinator in Students For Liberty (SFL), founding and publishing LockeSmith, Students For Liberty’s North America’s print magazine, in 2023. He is a proud alumnus of The Bronx High School of Science. Jack is a graduate of the Foundation for Economic Education’s Hazlitt Fellowship for Educational Journalism and is the executive producer Shinji’s Hard Drive, a YouTube channel that analyzes anime through a libertarian lens. Jack has interned at the Cato Institute, National Review, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the New Civil Liberties Alliance, and the American Institute for Economic Research. He was a Liberty and Learning Fellow with The Fund for American Studies and is presently a Don Lavoie Fellow with the Mercatus Center and a Neuhaus Fellow with The Public Interest Fellowship.

Jack Nicastro
Asistant Editor at Reason Magazine